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Ethiopia ( The Arrival)

I suppose 36 hours after leaving JFK, a short layover stop at London Heathrow, the best and largest airport in the world by the way, and 9 delicious aircraft meals down my belly--landing in Ethiopia International Airport was more than enough to get me excited. More inexplicable excitement would follow however, as Alan and I exited the airport, and quickly noticed something different: the air was filled with space and dotted with sparkles of sunshine-- 6:Am. " Welcome to Ethiopia" the sign read and underlined by a short caption: "the New Spirit of Africa". Suffice to say, at that moment a sudden surge of excitement and a flood of pride, rushed through my body as my brain made the linkage between moi, son of Haiti--the first black nation liberated-- and Ethiopia the only black nation NEVER colonized.

One world communicates Ethiopia to the world: diversity. The Ethiopian people, in physical features, languages, and culture are as diverse as the land which they have called home for more than 3,000 years. As the picture below would convey, some are darker than me, others are lighter than most spanish people; their skin are so radiant, smiles on white, hair so luscious, they are absolutely gorgeous.

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